Ready to earn BONUS Linkpoints?

We'll need a few details to get you started quickly!

To withdraw consent or to enquire about how the data is collected, used and disclosed, please contact Link customer service at 6380 5858

You will be receiving a confirmation email upon successful opt-in to the campaign, and transactional email(s) on Linkpoints crediting upon successful transaction at each Link partner within 24 hours.

For in-store purchases, swipe or tap your Link Rewards card at cashier counters to earn the bonus Linkpoints. For Trust card members, swipe/tap your card twice for in-store purchases - once for payment and once for earning your Linkpoints.

Subscribe to our emails to get the latest programme updates
1) Log in to and select ‘Yes’ under Email OR
2) Launch the FairPrice app > Profile > Edit Profile > Notification > Link Rewards Programme > Turn on Email